Zurich stele | Public transport stop

Design competition for public transport stops of the region of Zürich. The «Zurich Stele» contains a system of guiding and information elements for public transport. The elements are modular adaptable for each stop and fullfil their needs individually.

The innovative approach was the idea to provide an plattform for both current and future innovations. The central vertical element can integrate electronics for a smarter use of bus stops. It is an open system that can generate a sustainable long living volume for smart bus stops. Additional elements like schedules, panels and dynamics displays will be exchanged over time.

The design try to define an iconic, well-recognizable shape that is a unique element for the region of Zurich. Timeless, reduced and still distinctive, present in the public space.

Competition entry in collaboration with Ernst Schweizer AG for VGB, Zürich: 3th place


Wettbewerb mit Ernst Schweizer AG
Bernhard Burkard
  • zurich stele | public transport stop