RF Gate 2.1.W2 | wireless signal

RF Gate 2.1.W2 | Wireless signal

RFGate 2.1.W2.S radio transmitter for wicket doors. The RFGate 2.1.W2.S transmitter is used specifically on industrial doors with wicket doors. When the door is open, a signal is generated and transmitted to the control system, which then stops the gate immediately.

RFGate 2 radio signal transmission system for safety edges on roller gates, sectional doors and folding doors.

The RFGate 2 systems transmit the status of pressure-sensitive safety edges mounted on the mobile part of the gate securely and contact-free. Information is wirelessly transmitted to the switching device. Simply program, fit, switch on – and off you go!

Depending on the application, you can choose either the one-channel or the two-channel version.

BBC Bircher Smart Access
Industrial Design
BBC Bircher Smart Access
  • RF Gate 2.1.W2 | wireless signal
  • RF Gate 2.1.W2 | wireless signal